These are my top five lists of books, blogs and websites that can assist you with your family history research in Canada. Do you have any that you feel should be added? If so please leave a comment.
“Lovell’s Gazetteer of British North America 1873” published by Global Heritage Press
“Genealogy in Ontario: Searching the Records” by Brenda Dougall Merriman; published by The Ontario Genealogical Society
“United Empire Loyalists, a Guide to Tracing Loyalist Ancestors in Upper Canada” by Brenda Dougall Merriman; published by Global Heritage Press
“The Canadian Genealogical Sourcebook” by Ryan Taylor; published by the Canadian Library Association
“Finding Your Canadian Ancestors: A beginner’s guide” by Sherry Irvine and Dave Obee; published by Ancestry Publishing
Librarians Helping Canadian Genealogists Climb Family Trees
Ottawa Branch Ontario Genealogical Society
Veterans of Southwestern Ontario
Maritime History of the Great Lakes
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